
Welcome to the 341 OSS Commander's blog.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


I want to thank all the spouses who came for a tour last month. I think we all learned a little bit and understand now why there is so much training .

First Baking date for breads is November 17th at 7 pm.....that will also be our November get together.......will be fun spread the word.

Wing Christmas Party is December 5th for anyone that is interested in attending. Details on dress to come.

OSS Christmas Party is December 11th!!!! More details are coming soon!

Group Children's Holiday Party is December 12th they say from 1 pm - 6 pm.....also more details to come on this as well. I know they are looking for volunteers but as to what these people will be doing is still in the planning stages.

Also just a reminder that this Saturday at 5 pm is the Malmstrom spouses club Auction. All money raised will be for dependant scholarships. Last year we gave away 12 $1000 scholarships. You do not have to be a member to come and I have pictures posted of a lot of the baskets. OSS/OGV donated a fire pit with a hand made quilt and several patio items.

A new Baby Eagle

Thursday, September 24, 2009


A big "Thank You" to everyone who came out for the Squadron Spouses Get together. We had a great turn out and I hope you all enjoyed yourselves. Please pass on any information to fellow squadron members and their spouses.

We kind of had a lot to go over with the holidays, MSC Auction, baby gifts, Thanks Giving Breads and just meeting fellow spouses.

Just a couple of dates: December 11th is the Christmas Party at the club.
October 29th a tour of the OSS squadron at 7PM
November 7th is the MSC auction so if you would like to donate to the basket we will need it by then end of the October.

Once again.......Thank You and I hope you all had a good time!


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Spouses "Get-Together"

Come join us for a get-together to meet the new spouses and reconnect with returning folks. As always, this is a casual time to visit, munch on goodies and share information on upcoming events.

We will meet at 7:00 pm Thursday September 24 at the Converse-Paeth residence (Michelle and Brian's home) 914 Cedar St.

We have a couple of guests joining us as well.....we hope you can all come!

New Eaglettes

The last couple of months have been good for babies.....we have 3 brand new ones!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Thanks to the 341 OSS

Thanks to everyone who participated, helped or attended our squadron's Change of Command ceremony. All who planned and executed the day are appreciated. This was a great day on so many levels...it was not lost on me the effort and work put into our squadron event.

Thanks also to everyone who stopped by 714 Gumwood for some food & drink. We should work and play like a family while watching out for each other. Let's look for times for us to get together and enjoy our family together.

We plan on having an "Eagles Call" once a month to build morale.